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Art news in France and in the world

 Art news in France and in the world

    To stay updated on art news, you can explore various online platforms and resources.

Art news online all arts medias in France and in the world. Contemporary art. Museums, Art fairs , critics .

     Here are some popular sources where you can find the latest art news:


Information about art listing.

  1. Art Magazines and Websites:  
  2. Museums and Galleries:
    • Check the websites of major museums and galleries, as they often share news about exhibitions, acquisitions, and events.
    • BBC ARTS
      BBC ARTS
  3. Online News Platforms:
    • Websites like BBC Arts or CNN Style have dedicated sections for art and culture.
  4. Social Media:
    • Follow art institutions, artists, and art journalists on platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
  5. News Aggregators:
    • Use news aggregator apps or websites like Flipboard and customize your feed to include art-related topics.
  6. Art Blogs:
    • Many art critics and enthusiasts maintain blogs where they share insights, reviews, and news. Explore blogs like Contemporary Art Daily or Art F City.
  7. Newsletters:
    • Subscribe to newsletters from art organizations, magazines, or individual art critics to receive curated updates directly in your inbox.
  8. Podcasts:
    • Listen to art-related podcasts below :
    • The Art Newspaper Podcast or ArtCurious.
    • To stay informed on the latest developments follow them.
  9. Art Fairs:
    1. Online Forums and Communities:
      • Participate in online forums and communities dedicated to art.
      • You can subscribe to Reddit’s Others specialized forums on platforms  or like ArtStation.
      • These communities often share news, discuss trends, and provide valuable insights.
    2. Art Events and Auction Houses:
      • Explore websites of major art auction houses like Sotheby’s and Christie’s for information on upcoming auctions and significant sales.
      • These events often feature noteworthy artworks and artists.
    3. Art Criticism Journals:
      • Find some journals focus
      • Check out publications like October or Art Journal for in-depth analyses and discussions.
    4. Google News and Alerts:
      • Set up Google News alerts for specific art-related keywords or the names of your favorite artists. This way, you’ll receive notifications about relevant news articles.
    5. University Art Departments:
      • Explore the websites of university art departments and research centers. They often share information about exhibitions, lectures, and research in the art world.
    6. Art-related Apps:
      • Some mobile apps are designed to provide art news and updates. Look for apps from reputable sources in the art world.

    Remember to diversify your sources to get a comprehensive view of the art world.

    Whether you’re interested in contemporary art find  numerous resources. They are  available to keep you informed about the latest news and developments in the art community.